Huseyin Hamit
We decided to meet as a group and to test some of our idea's in relation to urban landscape we stuck with this theme since we wanted to find out how it could turn out and since the idea's we had were very abstract which was what we directed towards from the start of this project.
We first tested some of the images which I created for the urban landscape I tried making these slightly abstract to relate with the whole theme of being in a particular place mentally which we then tried to relate to the animation Hu created.
Once the tests were done we decided to use different materials such as reflective surfaces and card to create a unique effect rather than the image just being projected onto one surface. When we did this it created an amazing look to the images being projected onto the card since the distance of the cards varied from the wall to the projector the light was much sharper and stronger. From using this idea and experimenting with it placing the card in front of the projector created dark area's on the wall of where the card was placed which we did not like to much. I came up with the idea of cutting out silhouette shapes of people and placing these in front of the projector instead of just standard card and discussed this with Hu which he thought was great. Hu drew and cut the shape we then tested it and we agreed that it created a much more pleasing result due to the silhouette relating to a person being within the urban landscape.
Below are a series of images and a video to what we have been testing.
First test of one of my images projected onto the wall in a dark space
Testing the colour image projected onto the wall
We first tested being in front of the projector before the silhouette cut outs
Hu in front of projector whilst we document the testing process
Testing reflective surface to expand the projection and to see what was created by it
Reflective surface in front of projector
Myself holding card in front of the projector to see the difference of the image being projected
We found this image online and sketched around it whilst it was projected onto card
Sketching out the silhouette
Cutting out the silhouette sketch
Testing silhouette cut out whilst projection is being projected
Testing silhouette on different images
Testing silhouette cut out on Hu's animation video
Video - test of the silhouette and the animation together
Huseyin Hamit